When this card appears in a Reading it indicates you may be trying hard to hold onto something you have worked for and are now finding difficult. Perhaps a job has taken over your life with its demands becoming too much to bear and you need to find ways of relieving some of its strain.
Your actions could also signal that you’re protecting your position at work against younger workers who want to take over from you, which can be challenging but is an ethical way of conducting yourself without demeaning anyone else.
This card may also represent your efforts in defending your relationship and your partner against criticism from friends and family, an experience which can be draining and exhausting, leaving you feeling isolated from society at large.
Remember that the battle you are waging may not be as important or worthy of fighting over as it seems; try being open and honest with your partner about their concerns; if nothing seems to work, consider calling it quits if necessary – avoidance of conflict and building walls will only serve to create further damage in the long run.
No matter whether it is an exam, project at work, or relationship issue you’re dealing with, drawing the Seven of Wands is a reminder of perseverance’s power to bring about the desired outcomes. But sometimes a battle just isn’t worth fighting – when this card appears it may be time to reconsider your position and consider other strategies instead.
When this card appears in a reading it can signify that you’re fighting hard for something that belongs to you – whether that be financially, personally, or even during repossession proceedings. Whatever it may be this card serves as a reminder that what is worth fighting for.
A positive reading of this card would indicate that someone you are interested in is willing to fight hard for their relationship no matter the obstacles it may encounter, such as opposition from family and friends. Though this might be uncomfortable at times, remind yourself that their disapproval doesn’t indicate anything other than potential for growth in your connection. A negative interpretation could suggest you are being overbearing or pushy in your approach and should try being patient while seeking professional assistance or seeking assistance from a friend or counselor for guidance.
Determination is the ability to remain firm even in the face of stiff competition. This card may indicate that others are trying to take what is yours or destroy it altogether, which may be frustrating; but it is essential that you remain true to yourself and don’t give in.
This card may also appear in work-related readings and indicate you’re protecting your position against those seeking to usurp it from you. While you may experience jealousy from those around you who believe they should share in your success and influence, by using your leadership skills effectively and presenting strong arguments you should be able to retain what belongs to you.
In a love reading, reversing the Seven of Wands could indicate you are being too protective of someone you care about and need to open up and express your views in order to facilitate constructive problem solving. Conversely, this Card may suggest you are becoming too conceited and self-important due to your success and need to gain some perspective of the bigger picture – this could negatively impacting relationships; you need to find a balance between maintaining success as an individual while maintaining relationships within family, friends and wider society.
Courage is an invaluable trait to have when facing challenging times. This card serves as a reminder that success rarely comes without resistance, and requires courage in order to surmount obstacles. If you feel overwhelmed, focus on what can be found within the situation that’s positive; embrace your courage and remind yourself that anything is possible!
When this card appears in a reading, it often portends a fight that’s worth fighting – be it an important position or project at work, personal values or morals, or relationships. A fight worth engaging in which you have the strength to prevail.
In a love reading, the Seven of Wands can indicate that your partner is willing to fight on behalf of your relationship against those trying to undermine it. They’ll recognize you’re fighting for what’s important and support your efforts.
Reversed Seven of Wands can also signify that you are retreating or giving up an effort that should be successful, due to exhaustion, burn out or lack of courage or stamina. Furthermore, this could indicate that someone more powerful or determined has gained ground against you; you may feel powerless over your destiny; losing control, power or respect which can be very disconcerting.
Assertiveness is a crucial aspect of life, helping us express ourselves freely and stand firm behind our beliefs. This card often appears when people feel intimidated or judged by those around them; or are overwhelmed by their responsibilities and struggling with the demands of everyday life.
In a love reading, this card may indicate that your partner feels protective over you. They may feel they need to defend the relationship from criticism from family and friends in general and fight hard for its protection – this can especially apply if their family members have ever judged or criticised it before.
When this card appears in a business reading, it could indicate you are being confronted by intense competition and having difficulty maintaining your status or your position. Others could attempt to take over, which could be seen as a good sign – provided you fight hard enough to defend both.
Alternately, this card may indicate that those around you are taking advantage of you. They may perceive you as helpful and accommodating but in reality are exploiting you for their own gain. Although this situation may be uncomfortable or frustrating at times, it’s essential that you learn when and how to say no and prioritize yourself first.
Conflict is an unavoidable part of life and learning to manage it effectively is a crucial skill. When this card appears in your Tarot reading it indicates that you must fight for what you believe in; be it work ethics, personal integrity or integrity at stake. Also it serves as a reminder that staying true to yourself won’t always be easy; but the resultant rewards will more than compensate.
If this card appears in your relationship, your partner is most likely fighting hard for you and providing all necessary resources to bring you together closer. They could be working extra hard and prepping all resources necessary for an intimate reunion or working on making their long distance relationship permanent despite exhaustion; they won’t stop until their goal has been reached.
Reversed cards in career readings indicate a failure to stand up for what you believe in and allow others to rob your hard won success. Also be wary of people jealous of your accomplishments who might try and undermine you at every turn.
On the other hand, this card may appear upright when you are leading others and sticking to your convictions firmly. But remember that not everyone will support your cause so ensure you have an ally by your side to provide support and keep things on course.